If you take any brand and think of them like a person, you can picture cash as the blood flow of your business. Without cash, your business will suffer and ultimately fail. What that means is, through marketing you have to promote and advertise your brand/product to generate revenue in order to have a long-lasting and successful business. Take a brand like Nike, for instance. Nike’s swoosh is represented as a symbol of athleticism and whether Nike’s promotional strategy is intentional or not, here are 5 proven ways to promote your brand in order to generate sales. 

1)Word of Mouth

One of the most essential aspects of any marketing strategy is to promote your business. Even though word of mouth is one of the best marketing strategies, it could also be one of the most difficult to tackle. Word of mouth (WOM Marketing) is known to be the best marketing strategy to sell a product or service. No wonder, if today you bought the new iPhone 14 model and recommend it to a friend or family member, despite it’s price, your friend or family will more likely buy it. The consensus about this is that 88% of people will trust recommendations from friends and family above other forms of advertising. This indicates that word-of-mouth marketing is highly effective when it comes to the promotion of your brand.

2) Search Engine Optimization

If you don’t have a website, then it’s time to get to work and get your online presence on the web. Search engine optimization is a term that’s been used recently with the hopes of getting a Google ranking boost and heading over the first page, why? Well, the consensus states that less than 10% go past the first page. So in short, having an online presence, and getting your presence to the first page of Google ranking, will come a long way in promoting your business. 

3) Events — Host, Attend, & Sponsor

What do Red Bull, Coca-Cola, and Monster have in common? It’s not the fact that they’re just fizzy drinks, they are also great at hosting, sponsoring, and taking part in global events. Events are great ways to promote your brand and there is no one size fits all approach. Depending on your budget and your target audience, hosting, attending, or sponsoring an event can be a huge advantage for your brand’s reputation. 

4) Promotional Campaigns

Sometimes it’s as simple as that. Being direct and straightforward in your approach can lead to success. There are many ways to go with a direct sales promotion campaign, these range from discounts, promo codes, pricing strategies, and affiliate marketing. A good campaign will usually bring many viewers and visitors to your store, and from those visitors, you can convert them into sales. 

5) Go Viral 

In 1984, a man named Jay Conrad Levinson wrote a book called Guerrilla Marketing, ever since then, the world went from traditional media (print, television, and radio), to digital and viral marketing. There are different tactics to guerrilla marketing but one of the key elements of this approach is going unconventional and abstract in its approach. It is usually a huge upsell when done right and a great benefit for both low and high-budget projects. 

How do you achieve the above? The best way to get down to it is to formulate your plan at the given moment, assess where your business is, assess the market, utilize the tools and technologies in place, and come up with a strategy to bring your business to fruition. Remember, if you’re the business owner and you’re the one promoting your product or brand then it won’t have that much impact through word-of-mouth, in this strategy, you have to have an awesome product which is being used by influential people or platforms in the community in order for it to be a success.